Stamps-n-Storage – Tonn’s Travels

Making our several-hour drive back to Minneapolis in order to board our flight back to Oregon tomorrow morning, my wife asked if there might be any other courses between Sioux Falls and Minneapolis I could play. It was a bit of a stretch! But I told her there was one nine-hole course in Hutchinson, Minnesota that might be “sort of” on the way that I could play: a short nine-hole course at Stamps-n-Storage. So after a brief stop at the Pipestone National Monument, to help our resident geologist (my oldest daughter) nerd out on seeing some of those pipestone quarries, it was on to Hutchinson to play course #2051.

View from the Hole 2 tee at SnS DGC in Hutchinson, Minnesota.

When we got to the course, I wasn’t one hundred percent sure that it was okay to be out here playing as a visitor on Sunday. But there was no signage which indicated otherwise, and everything I could find on and UDisc seemed to indicate that it was open to the public. So I decided I would play as fast a round of disc golf as I could. And I think from start to finish, I completed my round in just under seventeen minutes.

View from the Hole 7 tee at SnS DGC in Hutchinson, Minnesota.

The course was relatively open and straightforward. Not a lot of complexity or challenge to the holes, apart from finding all nine tees (I would have struggled without having the course map in UDisc to guide me).

Scorecard from SnS DGC in Hutchinson, Minnesota via UDisc.

I played my worst round of the trip, struggling to manage a -2 (25) for an estimated round rating of 866. And that was only after dialing in and taking extra care that I was making good shots off the tee on Holes 8 and 9. I should be able to manage at LEAST a -5 (22) on a course like that! Ideally closer to a -7 (20). But I wasn’t there to break any course records! I was there to add a +1 to my courses played collection. I’m just embarrassed that I couldn’t perform better on my scorecard. But I own my scores, the good, bad AND ugly! And this was one of my uglier rounds in a while.

Okay, NOW that’ll be my last round of disc golf in this trip. Seven new courses, and eight rounds of disc golf played, in eight days. Not too bad.

Magic Number = -51 (2,051 Courses Played)


Derek Tonn is a member of the DGA’s Ambassador Team. His company, Mapformation, LLC, has been DGA’s partner in the development of disc golf tee signage since 2012. The longer our two companies have worked together, and the more Derek has gotten to know all the great folks at DGA, the more he has wanted to formally sing the company’s praises. The more he has realized that “Steady” Ed’s (the father of disc golf and the modern-day Frisbee) vision for the sport and his company perfectly describes his own interests and priorities related to disc golf, and the more Derek has recently been encouraged to share his story.

DGA Disc Golf

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